3 - MAX
Práce do fat redukcia / vylepšenie celulitu / _ccc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_body reshaping / spínačSILA INTEGRÁCIE
3-MAX™ je najpokročilejší systém tvarovania tela pomocou integrovanej technológie ultra-kavitácie, RF a vákua.
Systém umožňuje zlepšiť presnosť a efektivitu redukcie tukových buniek neinvazívnou liečbouOPTIMÁLNE RIEŠENIE NA OŠETRENIE CELULITÍDY A PRESTAVU POSTAVY
Ultra-kavitačný aplikátor nepretržite vydáva zvukové vlny na
intenzita, ktorá kombinuje akustickú energiu s tepelnou
účinok, hlavne v hlbokej vrstve tukuRF S VÁKUOM
Po kavitácii pôsobí RF s vákuovým odsávaním podľa
dodáva vysokofrekvenčnú tepelnú energiu a uľahčuje lymfatickú
odvodnenie v tukovej vrstve, ktorá je v nižšej hĺbke ako
oblasť ošetrená kavitáciou.
technické údaje
BLT Dual Generator
- A Stable 36KHz Frequency
- Controllable Ultrasound Energy Level
- 4 Types of Pulse
- Operating Light
Integrated Technology by RF, Vacuum and LED
- Advanced Multi-polar RF (1 MHz)
- Controllable RF Energy Level
- Dynamic Vacuum Vibration Function
- 4 Types of Vacuum Pulse : Continuous, Slow, Regular, FastFacial Applicator
(- Integrated Technology by RF and Vacuum
- Advanced Bi-polar RF (2 MHz)
- Controllable RF Energy Level
- Dynamic Vacuum Vibration Function
- 4 Types of Vacuum Pulse : Continuous, Slow, Regular, Fast3-MAX™, Proven Solution You Can trust
The principle of Cavitation is based on the increase in the equivalent attenuation
coefficient of the tissue in the presence of the bubbles created by cavitation.
The Ultrasound affects fat cells in greater depth than the RF treatment via a thermal and cavitation effect.The updated Multi-Polar RF delivers a thermal energy deep into dermal layer, involves
applying electromagnetic waves for returning physiological processes. It offers effective
treated results in cellulite, body sculpting and collagen regeneration.
The Bi-Polar RF also acts on superficial and dermal layer for 5 to 10 mm, promotes the metabolic process of fatty layer.The combination of RF and Vacuum function is complication free, and produces
improvements in the overall cellulite appearance and skin condition, suggesting that
further treatment sessions for maintenance could sustain the patient satisfaction and lead to lasting results.Clinical evidence
Hlavné rysy
- Stable and secure 36 KHz low frequency ultrasound
- Integrated RF_cc781905-5cde-3194-bbcf58d_0bb816b-1557d
- 4 types of time the vacuum and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_kavitácia
- Possible single RF treatment or vacuum
- Easy na prevádzku
- Pactical 7-inch_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb18d screen3194-bb181b-10505555815b-10505cc
- Practical footswitch
- Optimized for limited_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cfspace_136